Andrew Scraggs Completes Eagle Scout Project for SGP!

Andrew Scraggs, Troop 3, Jersey Shore Boy Scout Council
Andrew designed and built an emergency, outdoor food box at St. Gregory’s Pantry. He met with SGP director Sandra McIntyre and St. Mary’s By-the-Sea church leaders to propose the project and it was completed at the end of May.
St. Gregory’s Pantry is very grateful to Andrew! He gave his time and talents to build this beautiful outdoor food pantry to serve those in the community while the pantry is closed. It is open 24/7.
We appreciate you, Andrew! Thank you from all of us at St. Gregory’s Pantry. You have made a very positive impact on your community. Congratulations on your Eagle Scout Award!
St. Gregory's Pantry - Serving Our Community
We are open for curbside pickup and deliveries. The food drop-off area during our Monday – Friday, 10am – 12pm hours, is on the Atlantic Avenue side of St. Mary’s by-the-Sea, lower level. If you would like to drop off non-perishable items at any other time, they may be placed in the box by the parking lot door (off Bay Avenue).
There are no indoor pickups or drop-offs at this time. All volunteers will do their best to maintain social distancing.
We are so happy to serve our community and we hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy.
How Can You Help?
Donate Food
The following are suggested items to donate by month. St. Gregory’s Pantry gladly accepts any unexpired food items, personal care items and cleaning items at any time of year (we cannot accept clothing). Donations may be dropped off Monday – Friday, 10am – 12pm at the door on the Atlantic Avenue side of St. Mary’s by-the-Sea, lower level. (Please check our calendar for days we are closed.) Thank you!
January: Soups, crackers, tunafish*, cleaning products
February: Paper Products: toilet paper, paper towels, napkins and tissues.
Also Needed: Snacks for kids
March: Easter Egg Dye, canned fruit, catsup, mustard, dinner napkins, ground coffee
April: Spring Cleaning Month: paper towels, laundry detergent, dish detergent, etc. Also, shampoo, conditioner, bar soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, tissues, paper towels and toilet paper.
May: Jello and pudding cups, cereal*, peanut butter* & jelly*, cookies, crackers, fruit snacks, snack-sized applesauce, juice, iced tea, lemonade, sunscreen.
June: Ground coffee, iced tea and lemonade (individual packets, bottles, cans), water, Juice boxes, children’s snack packs, granola bars, sunscreen, deodorant, shampoo, laundry detergent and cleaning supplies.
July: Laundry detergent, fun summer snacks for kids, granola bars, dish detergent, paper towels, juice, iced tea, lemonade, water, canned ground coffee, condiments: mayo, catsup, relish, mustard, salad dressing. After school snacks and juices. Kid fun band-aids.
August: School Supplies: backpacks, notebooks, pens, pencils, paper, binders, etc. After school snacks and juices. Kid fun band-aids. Also Needed: laundry detergent and dish detergent, canned ground coffee.
September: Hygiene Month: Laundry detergent, dish detergent, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc. Also, paper towels and canned ground coffee.
October: Cereal*, extra snacks, cookies, puddings, applesauce, canned vegetables, peanut butter* and jelly*, canned ground coffee, laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, toilet paper and paper towels
November: Stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy, canned yams, salad dressing, mayo, canned ground coffee, canned vegetables, cleaning supplies and paper towels.
December: Ham, mustard, tea, canned ground coffee, cocoa.
*Always needed.
Donate Money
- You may make a donation in honor of or in memory of a loved one.
- Include St. Gregory’s Pantry in your will.
- Make an annual, tax-deductible contribution. We are a 501c3 charitable organization.
- Send a personal check.
- Gift cards are always welcome (Stop & Shop, ShopRite, CVS, Walgreens, Target)
Please make checks out to: Saint Gregory’s Pantry
Mail to:
804 Bay Avenue, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742
Kindly include your full name and address, as we send a written acknowledgement for all donations of $20.00 and over.
We accept corporate matching.
Run a Food Drive
Please contact St. Gregory’s Pantry at 732-892-8105 and a Pantry Director will return your call.
You Can Organize a Food Drive!
You can run a food drive for St. Gregory’s Pantry – in your neighborhood, through your school, or an organization you participate in, etc. Give us a call to talk about the details.
Donate Toys and Gift Cards for Children at Christmas
Christmas distribution was the week of December 11th 2023. We collected New Toy Donations (unwrapped) and gift cards for infants through teens. We do not collect clothing or stuffed animals. Some gift card suggestions: Amazon, Target, Walmart, McDonalds, Wendy’s and local businesses in Point Pleasant and Point Pleasant Beach.
Mary's Table
Mary’s Table is a feeding ministry of Saint Mary’s by the Sea Episcopal Church. The mission of Mary’s Table is to feed the hungry in body and spirit, in loving acceptance. We are happy to be serving our community inside on Thursdays from 4:00pm – 6:00pm. Mary’s Table also offers free, take-out meals.